Monday 22 April 2013

Hello and Welcome!

Hello fellow explorers and tarot lovers ... welcome to the Tarot Wonderland blog.

I'd like to introduce myself to you, explain how I came to the tarot, and why it has become such a passion in my life.

I have always been fascinated by the mysterious and the unknown. I was the kind of kid who was innately curious about life. I'd beg my elders and friends to tell me stories about their lives. I never got tired of listening to them talk about how their lives unfolded and how they met this person or that. As I got older, that fascination with the workings of life expanded and became an intense love of anything metaphysical or psychological ... anything that was unseen but undeniably powerful and influential in our lives. I became fascinated with what makes us do what we do ... why the same situations tend to repeat themselves time and time again ... how we end up loving the people we do ... and what "makes us tick."

The tarot always drew me and fascinated me but I didn't begin to delve into studying it seriously until a couple of years ago. I took a series of classes that began opening up its mysteries to me, but for whatever reason, my desire to become a serious student of the tarot didn't really begin to take hold of me in a big way until December of last year. Suddenly, it began to feel more like a calling, and I started studying it in earnest.

Although I have just started out on my tarot journey, I also know that even the most learned and experienced tarot readers say that they are constantly learning as well. The tarot is so intricate and all-encompassing that it would probably take many lifetimes to consider oneself a "master" at interpreting its messages. I know that each day I work with the cards I learn a little bit more ... and as impossible as it may seem for me to love them more than I already do, I think I grow to love them a little bit more each day as well. I have the most innate respect for the cards, what they have to teach us, and their ability to guide us in our lives. The tarot is not sorcery or fluff ... it is a highly evolved, genuine spiritual tool that can give us great insights if we are only willing to listen and learn.

In this blog, I will be posting daily and weekly draws, card interpretations, and sample readings. I invite all of you to comment and share your insights and views. I am hoping this blog will become a warm, inviting community where we can all hang out, share our love of the cards, and our innately human desire to search for answers.

I also invite you to visit my Youtube page where I have posted a few sample readings. If you feel the urge to contact me and would like me to consult the cards on your behalf, I thank you in advance and look forward to working with you.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step ... and the answer to a thousand questions can begin with a single card.



  1. good luck with the blog explain this i dont believe in horoscpes etc. but i do believe in bad luck breaking mirrors black cats ladders lucky or unlucky numbers numerology

  2. i saw the reading you did for didi you explained everything very clearly i could be the page or the emperor would you go about doing a reading for me

  3. Send me a question and I will do a reading for you. Make the question as specific as possible and also make sure that it is geared towards YOU and not anybody else. For example, a lot of people ask questions like, "Does my ex have a new boyfriend/girlfriend?" You cannot ask a question about someone else. The question has to relate to you.

  4. what is wrong with me why am i so dead inside why am i so unhappy why do i get so depressed lately so far it wears off pretty quickly but whwn i get down i really get down hope that qualifies as a question

  5. Your reading is up on my Youtube page ... I hope you find it helpful and enlightening.

  6. thank you for the reading very accurate im either hardly working or working weeks in a row so it is exhausting either doing nothing or slaving my guts out no balance some health problems also got me down i need a break from that for sure as far as relationships go you are right about that as well

  7. You're very welcome ... and you're so right about how doing nothing is exhausting, ironic as that sounds. People think just because you're doing "nothing" that your life is easy, but in reality it's emotionally and psychologically exhausting. I hope you take my advice and get that balance of work and play ... make sure to get some enjoyment in your life. It is SO important. It gives us the fuel we need to do the things we "have" to do.
