Saturday 27 April 2013

What Suit Are You?

What suit are you? What qualities do you have in abundance and what qualities do you wish had more of? Working with the cards can really help draw your attention to this question and make you think about the very distinct energies within us. None of them are any "better" or "worse" than the others. They are all equally important, and in a perfect world, we would all have a balance of their qualities inside us.

The tarot is actually two decks in one: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.

The Major Arcana consists of twenty-two cards. Each card represents a universal life truth and is a stepping stone on the path of life. We begin with The Fool and end with The World, and then we start the journey again. It's a continuous process.

The Minor Arcana consists of fifty-six cards and they are split into four separate suits. These cards are about the everyday experiences of life. They can be very helpful at enlightening us about things we are stuck on or invite us to think about things in a new way.

The four suits each represent a different, distinct energy that resides within all of us (they also correspond to the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water).

WANDS are fire energy. They are all about action, inspiration, creativity, and DOING. They represent the spark within us that motivates us to get out there and DO THINGS. They don't necessarily have to be all about activity, either. They can simply represent anything that inspires ideas, new thoughts, and ambitions. Anything that lights the fire within you.

CUPS are water energy. They are all about emotions, relationships, and love. They deal with the people and things we care about and the things that matter to us. If you think about water ... it's malleable, it flows, it's very fluid and its nature is to change form depending on how you interact with it. That's how our emotions are. They are not fixed. They change day by day.

SWORDS are air energy. They are all about our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions. They deal with the way our minds work and the way we communicate our thoughts. If you think about air ... it's not visible or tangible, just like our thoughts. But our thoughts are very much a part of us and they can influence our lives in dramatic ways.

PENTACLES are earth energy. They are all about the practical matters of everyday life, such as home, health, career, and feeling secure and comfortable. They are about how you experience the material world and what you can detect with your five senses.

Although we all have these four energies within us, many of us have noticed one or two energies that are more prevalent within us than the others. For example, someone who is a "couch potato" may not have a lot of Wands energy, but they overflow with Pentacles. There are people who are all about love ... whose Cups runneth over whenever they are in love ... and they LOVE to be in love.

I am definitely filled with Swords energy. I have always been the type of person who lives a great deal of my life in my head, thinking about things, analyzing things, questioning things. I like it, too. :) I'm not complaining. But I could probably use a little more Wands energy in my life to make things happen the way I have them mapped out in my head.

Think about it ... which suit do you have an ample supply of? And which suit calls out for some more attention?



  1. the minor arcana 56 cards four suits of 14 cards each wands swords cups pentacles the major arcana 22 cards

  2. i am a sword does say a six of swords and a nine of swords have a different meaning

  3. Of course. There is a reason each card is numbered. It's a step further along in the cycle.

  4. do the cards go from 1 to 14 in each suit of the minor arcana

  5. They go from Ace to 10 and then there are four Court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, King. These cards usually represent people in your life or aspects of yourself.
