Monday 29 April 2013

DAILY DRAW: Temperance

Temperance is Major Arcana card number fourteen. In the card we see a magnificent angel pouring water back and forth between two cups, but something otherworldly is going on. Notice how the stream of water is hovering in mid-air. The angel is exerting some kind of supernatural control over the physics of the water, not allowing a drop of it to spill. This represents the kind of force we need to exert over the way we react to things in our lives. We need to make sure we are reacting appropriately (for want of a better word) in all situations ... not flying off the handle, for example, when we could have simply sat down with someone and worked out a dispute. Not blowing a minor problem into a major one and being overdramatic. It's a card about being able to "go with the flow" and handle things well.

Notice also the road in the background and the sun shining at the end of that road. That road represents the path to happiness, to contentment ... and the right behaviours will get us there. One of the angel's feet is on land, the other in water. The water represents our psychological selves, the land represents the world we live in. Our selves and the world we live in interact every day.

Many of us react to life impulsively (or compulsively) and later regret our actions. This card is about taking a breath, both physically and emotionally, before responding to anything in the outer world that disturbs us. This gives us time to consider our actions and make sure they work in our favour rather than against us.

Be aware of anything that tempts you to act impulsively, compulsively, or old habits that breed self-sabotaging behaviour. Think of yourself as this beautiful angel who is able to exert positive control over your moods and your emotions. Take the high road in every situation.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. xiv out of xxii another beautiful much more obsessive than impulsive although its been known to happen ill obsess about things until they die delay things til the last second think and think and think until its too late...above comment deleted because of bad spelling

  3. I love the angel in this card, so magnificent! Love those fluffy red wings. :)
