Tuesday 23 April 2013

My Tarot Decks

These are the decks I have collected so far. I anticipate my collection will grow much larger ... there are so many beautiful tarot decks out there and it's tempting to scoop up every one that catches my eye. I've been fairly restrained so far and have a total of six decks in my collection to date. Here they are. 

RIDER WAITE DECK. This is my go-to deck, the deck that I and millions of other tarot students have studied, continue to study, and learn from. The brilliant medieval-themed illustrations are the creation of an artist named Pamela Colman Smith. She worked in collaboration with Arthur Edward Waite, a scholar and mystic, to create the deck. The most popular and famous tarot deck in the world. It's likely that even many non-tarot enthusiasts have heard of it. 

CONNOLLY DECK. I saw these cards and immediately fell in love with the medieval/Renaissance theme. Many of the cards have been designed in the style of Renaissance art. The illustrations have beautifully vivid jewel-like colours, reminiscent of stained glass windows. Created by Eileen Connolly and her son Peter Paul Connolly. 

TELL-ME TAROT. A fun little deck created by Arik Eyal and illustrated by Nir Cassuto. I don't use this deck for readings but it's a good one to browse through to learn some basic card meanings and just play with. Each card has a summary of the meaning at the bottom. A great deck for kids, if they're interested. 

ANGEL TAROT. Designed by Doreen Virtue, angel expert and author, and Radleigh Valentine. Illustrated by Steve A. Roberts. These are beautiful, serene, positive, reflective cards designed to inspire and enlighten. These cards each have an "angelic" interpretation at the bottom and is packed solid with a cast of angels, archangels, unicorns, fairies, and mermaids. 

STEAMPUNK TAROT. A visually stunning, unique, and very different spin on the tarot with a '20s industrial era theme. Designed by Barbara Moore and illustrated by a wonderful artist named Aly Fell. I haven't used these in a reading yet, but I can't wait to work with them. The visuals remind me of a cross between David Lynch and Ridley Scott. 

OSHO ZEN. Next to the traditional Rider Waite, which constantly fascinates and inspires me, I think I love this deck the best. I just purchased it this weekend. Osho has long been one of my favourite gurus and when I saw this tarot deck I knew it had my name on it. The illustrations are breathtaking ... evocative, deep, inspiring, a rainbow of colours ... I can't wait to work with it. I know it will become a staple. 

So there is an overview of my tarot collection. If you would like a reading using any one of these particular decks, please don't hesitate to let me know. 



  1. nice ciollection can different decks produce different readings

  2. Yes they can ... some decks have a very different vibe and can produce very different results. That's why I love the Rider Waite so much, because it is really considered the standard by everyone and it's the perfect one to learn from. Once you have a good feel for the basic meanings, you can move on to more esoteric decks.
