Wednesday 1 May 2013

What The Tarot Has Taught Me So Far

The main thing I have learned from the tarot is this.

Nothing is ever as simple as it appears on the surface.

I'll admit it, I (like millions of others) was one of those people who would immediately pre-judge a person or situation by the way things appeared on the surface. The tarot has taught me to look deeper. Not only to find the truth, but because it's fun.

Take one of the most dreaded cards in the tarot, The Tower:

At first glance, this card appears to be a vision from hell. Lightning is striking the top of the tower, blowing the crown off. People are falling from the windows, plummeting to the ground. Fire is pouring out of the windows and clouds of smoke are billowing around it. Looks pretty scary.

But when you look below the surface and put it in a psychological perspective, you'll see there is actually something very positive going on. When something is flawed or rests on a shaky foundation, it can't last. It needs to change. Sometimes things need to topple and crumble before they have a chance to get better. Once it comes down, you can rebuild a much better, sturdier version. That's what this card is about. It looks catastrophic ... and whatever event is triggering it may feel catastrophic at the time. But this kind of turmoil never lasts forever, and when it's over and we look back on the upheaval we experienced, we have grown and learned from it. We are better for it.

Try to see the world from many different perspectives today. So often we are trapped in our own heads, stuck in a habitual way of seeing things. If you find yourself judging someone today, stop ... and immediately put yourself in the other person's shoes. Imagine them looking at you (and I don't mean on a strictly visual level). Who would they see? Who do you want them to see?



  1. ive been judged all my life mostly as a fat slob now im a not as fat as i used to be slob people dont judge quite as harshly as they uesd to...people who didnt know me before just think im an a** its hard for me not to throw it back whats really bad is its just as easy for me to judge others who arent as strong as me or people who are involved in something i wouldnt get near then something goes bad i blame them the dark knight theater shootings the boston marathon thing i should know better

  2. I've been judged a lot of my life too, and what I have learned is this: people who judge you are half as critical about you as they must be about themselves. Think about it. Anyone who would try to make you feel bad by judging you negatively must feel horrendous about themselves. It's the only way they can get relief. So I don't get angry as much (I'm human, yes, I still get angry) ... but mostly I just feel sorry for them. I try to live my life now by treating others kindly and with respect (unless they deliberately hurt me, then that's a different story .... then it's a matter of just excommunicating them, I don't need that kind of poison in my life).

  3. i found that people like to make other people feel bad they feel great about kindness no respect for orhers so why for them...hopefully in tarot what goes around comes around

  4. I disagree with you that they feel great about it. They may act that way or make it look that way, but think about it ... to have so much poison inside them the only way to get it out is to inflict it on someone else? You never get rid of that kind of self-hatred. It's bottomless. They're all frauds. They pretend to be happy and most of them are great actors, but the truth cannot escape them. Inside they're suicidal.
