Monday 13 May 2013

DAILY DRAW: Nine of Swords

There are no "good" or "bad" cards in the tarot. Each card has positive and negative sides to it. However, I don't think anyone can say that the Nine of Swords is a pleasant card. If you look at the image, you'll see a person sitting up in bed holding their head in their hands as if they are on the verge of emotional collapse.

Swords represent our thoughts, ideas, the ways that we think, our beliefs, and the way we communicate those beliefs. This card is telling us that our thoughts and mental processes have overwhelmed us. It's time to take a break. Stop thinking so much! Many of us get caught in the trap of thinking, thinking, and overthinking a certain situation. Worry never helps.

If a certain situation has been stressing you out and causing you sleepless nights, try to let it go. A lot of us have the magical belief (we might not even be consciously aware of it) that if we think and hope and pray about a situation enough, we can control the outcome. The only thing we have control over is how we react to things. Make peace with a situation you have no control over and let it go. What will be, will be. Everything works out in its own inevitable way. Despair is certain when we get attached to one specific outcome.

On a lighter note, this card can simply suggest headaches, or even a hangover. Did you party a little too hard on the weekend?

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