Wednesday 15 May 2013

New Decks! -- Medieval Scapini Tarot

I think I have saved my favourite for last. :) I saw these cards at a used bookstore awhile ago. I picked them up and looked at them but they were wrapped and I couldn't see what they looked like so I decided to leave them behind. I kept thinking about them, though, and went back for them a day later. They were gone. I would occasionally regale my husband with regret at not having bought them (at which he would sigh and roll his eyes and tell me -- like he always does -- Why don't you buy things when you see them?)

Well, I got lucky. We were at the same bookstore the other day and there they were -- a brand new pack. I picked them up instantly and cradled them. You know I wasn't leaving without them this time!

When I got them home and opened them, my magnetic attraction and pining for the cards was instantly affirmed when I saw them firsthand. They are stunning. The artwork is by a man named Luigi Scapini. The deck comes with a good-sized book that covers the meanings behind the cards and also gives a fascinating primer on tarot history. The cards have a beautiful golden sheen to them, almost as if they had been gilded. Here's a sample of a few of them:

The pictures I have posted here really do not do them justice. The colours are very rich and vibrant, and as I said, each card seems to shimmer with a gold background. The Minor Arcana is quite a bit different than the Rider Waite tarot. Mr. Scapini seems to have taken quite a bit of artistic license and really let his imagination run wild in a wonderful way. They are whimsical and occasionally baffling but always interesting and wonderful. 

The back of the cards look like this:

This beautiful design reminds me of a tablecloth or tapestry you might imagine seeing in a castle's great hall. This deck definitely satisfies my love of all things medieval. 

These cards were a little more expensive than the others. They were $39.99 but I got them on sale (again, yay!) for $29.99. They were definitely worth it. I can't wait to start using them!

I hope you enjoyed my tour of my new decks! Thanks for visiting and see you again soon. 



  1. I just discovered this deck and think they're awesome because they're different from most. I can see how the medieval decks influenced that new deck by Eric Dunne called the Tarot Illuminati. Now that I've seen some pictures and read a few reviews I'm getting both. lol

  2. I don't think I've seen the Tarot Illuminati Deck anywhere yet. I know there are various medieval themed decks and this one is extremely beautiful. I love medieval art and the period so of course I just had to get it, lol.
