Thursday 30 May 2013

DAILY DRAW: King of Swords

It's all about cold, hard logic today. Logic and truth. Facing the facts.

The king, a court card, can represent us or someone in our lives. Kings are usually men in the age range of 40 and up (the king does not have to represent a man ... this person could just as easily be a woman with King of Swords traits).

Swords are all about our thoughts and our minds, the way our minds work. The King of Swords is the ultimate thinker. He has no time for emotion, no time for indecision. He is just about the facts, ma'am. This can make him come across as cold or unfeeling but he simply has no time for being touchy feely. He is too busy adjudicating, analyzing, planning, delegating. The King of Swords is someone who would be a judge, psychiatrist, scientist, or professor. Someone who works with facts and staunchly upholds the idea of truth.

This card is telling us to channel our King of Swords today. If a situation has been confusing or upsetting you, take your emotions out of the equation and just look at a situation and the FACTS behind it. What is the TRUTH?

You could also run into the King of Swords today. Keep an eye out for someone who impresses you with their lofty, authoritative presence. The King of Swords is a great teacher. Pay attention to what he (or she) is telling you.

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