Wednesday 29 May 2013

DAILY DRAW: Temperance

Today's card is another repeat: Temperance. I'm using the Steampunk tarot today which is a wonderfully unique version of the tarot.

You'll notice that in this deck, it has been renamed Alchemist. Temperance is card 14 in the tarot [refer to my April 29 post to see the Rider Waite version] and it comes immediately after the Death card. It's all about the inner process of adjusting to change and having the patience to see that change through.

When dramatic change occurs in our lives, particularly if we weren't expecting it, a lot of us just feel totally lost. We're not sure who we are anymore or we might be afraid of the future. Temperance (or Alchemist, in Steampunk Tarot's case) is all about going inward and allowing those invisible readjustments to be made to our psyche without fighting them. In this card, we see a woman peering at a test tube. She has mixed some chemicals in there and they are doing their work, combining and changing each other's properties, merging into one new formula. If she were to shake the test tube impatiently, she would interrupt the process and prolong it. By holding it still, the chemicals can do their work.

That's what happening inside us when Temperance shows up. Something in our past has changed irrevocably and we have changed as a result ... but the changes aren't complete yet. We're still not sure how the future will look and there's nothing we can do but wait. This is a very anxious time for some but it's also a great time to express your feelings creatively and think about how your life has changed and how you have changed as a person.

Have you had a dramatic change in your life recently? When something in your life has run its course, it's like a force of nature. We might be sad, we might be afraid, but we need to remember that change happens and that it happens for a reason. Use this uncertain time productively and write, paint, sing your feelings out. We have taken another step up the spiritual ladder.

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