Tuesday 7 May 2013

DAILY DRAW: Knight of Pentacles

Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings are called "court cards" in the tarot. They usually represent people in your life. Knights usually represent people who are in their teens, either physically or psychologically. Court cards can also represent aspects of ourselves, so this card could represent you at this stage of your development in terms of this suit, Pentacles.

Knights go out on quests. They serve the king. They have a job to do. Since Pentacles represent the material aspect of our lives ... career, home, health, personal security ... this knight is embarking  on a quest in this realm. You'll see he appears to be quite a serious, pensive knight. He's not charging ahead on his horse like some of the other knights in the tarot. He's very steady, deliberate, and thoughtful. His horse  also doesn't appear to be as fancy as some of the other horses in the tarot. He's sturdy and strong .... built for hard work, not to impress.

This card could represent a person in your life, possibly a teenager, who is working very hard and seriously at something. Exam time is coming up. Is a student in your life cramming really hard, making sure he or she gets the best marks? Is there someone in your life who may be new to the workforce, who is trying to break in to a chosen field?

Have you started a task, project, or goal that you are taking very seriously? Recall the line from Aesop's fable The Tortoise and the Hare: Slow but steady wins the race. That's what this card is all about. You may not be wowing others or charging dramatically into the spotlight, but you are solidly on your way.

This card is so appropriate for me today, if I may interject. :) It's also the perfect card to follow yesterday's draw, the Three of Wands. That one was all about taking the first step on a journey and pausing to acknowledge your achievement thus far before taking the next step. This Knight is still in pause mode, but he is in the saddle and ready to go. You can almost hear the horse's hooves get ready to start clopping away on the ground as the knight sets off.

You have started a major journey, but you have a long way to go. Remember that you are your own King, and serve yourself appropriately.

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