Wednesday 15 May 2013

New Decks! -- Caroline Myss' Archetype Cards

Hello everyone,

One possible financial hazard of being a tarot reader I have discovered is the repeated urge to acquire new decks. Some of them are so beautiful that they are just as tempting as jewelry or chocolate cake. I got a few new decks recently and wanted to share them with you.

The first one is not a tarot deck, but a beautiful card deck by Caroline Myss (one of my favourite people in the world). Caroline is an author and intuitive healer and has written many brilliant books, including "Sacred Contracts" which was all about archetypes. The book is fascinating and I highly encourage you all to read it. It is extremely insightful. This card deck is her "Archetypes" deck:

It comes with a very informative little book defining and summarizing all the archetypes. Caroline says that we are all comprised of twelve archetypes, and every one of us ALWAYS has these four in our collection: Child, Victim, Prostitute, and Saboteur. (Very interesting.) You can go through the deck and narrow down the other eight archetypes that are in your psyche, or simply draw a card for the day and reflect on how the characteristics of that archetype show up in your day -- either in you or in the people around you. Here's what a few of the cards look like:

I really like how she sums up the light attributes of each archetype at the top of the card, and the negative or shadow attributes at the bottom. It makes for a really quick and handy reference.

The back of the cards have a really beautiful, enigmatic design:

I have gazed at this design numerous times and am still not sure entirely what is depicted here, but it certainly is very pretty, colourful, and pleasing to the eye. For some reason, I think: half a bird-woman? :)

I really love these cards and I'm glad I got them. I have long been an admirer of Caroline Myss' work, and these cards are a whole new way to appreciate her insights. They were pretty inexpensive for a deck too, only about $20.00. I would highly recommend them to other seekers!

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