Thursday 31 October 2013

VAMPIRE TAROT, Final Draw -- Happy Halloween!

Our final draw from the Vampire Tarot is the Knight of Knives or Knight of Swords in the Rider-Waite tarot. Knights are generally thought to represent young men in their teens or early 20s, but they don't have to represent only men. They can also represent women with the same energy. Knights are young people with a lot of drive, enthusiasm and energy. They are kind of like "sophomores" in the school of life ... they have a bit of knowledge behind them, but still have a few lessons to learn before they reach the level of master.

Knives or Swords are all about our thoughts, beliefs, and the way we communicate those thoughts and beliefs. This card indicates a possibly aggressive, adept, energetic thinker. He is someone who enjoys debating and getting his point across, even to the point of offending others at times. We can encounter someone like this today or we need to be aware of channeling this energy in our own lives. Always remember that words can cut just as effectively as a sword ... and words can hurt. Be careful with your words today but don't be afraid to express yourself either. Just make sure to think of how your words will affect someone before you speak.

Thanks for joining me on my journey with the Vampire Tarot. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

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