Wednesday 30 October 2013

VAMPIRE TAROT, Day 15 -- King of Stakes

The King of Stakes corresponds to the King of Wands in the Rider-Waite tarot. Wands are all about passion, fire, creativity, inspiration, energy, and action. Kings are the rulers of their suits. The King of Wands rules all of the fiery attributes. He is the ultimate doer, achiever, and inspiration. He is fiery, sexy, magnetic, attractive, and adventurous. He fears nothing and has the utmost confidence in himself. If he sets out to do something, nothing can stop him. He's a natural life coach.

Robert M Place has chosen composer Franz Liszt to represent the King of Stakes in his Vampire Tarot. Liszt was one of the most famous and accomplished pianists of all time. He was a fiery, romantic, creative, passionate man. This card is telling us we may encounter such a magnetic person today .... or that we can also radiate that fiery energy. Embrace your artistic, creative side today ... let your ideas flow. Don't be afraid to be dynamic! Unleash that inner virtuoso and let people see your passionate side.

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