Saturday 26 October 2013

VAMPIRE TAROT, Day 11 -- Six of Knives

The Six of Knives corresponds to the Six of Swords in the Rider-Waite tarot which depicts a woman and small child sitting in a small boat with an oarsman about to push them away from shore. The woman is depicted cloaked and we see her from behind. She seems to emit a wounded, vulnerable energy, as if she is someone who has been through some difficult times.

The Six of Swords is about getting away from a bad situation. It's about having been through some mental conflicts or strife and realizing the need to remove yourself from that situation. The Six of Knives in the Vampire Tarot depicts the strife much more vividly by showing us a ship being tossed like a teapot in a tempest. The people on board are being jostled around and hanging on for their lives, struggling to reach shore. If you find yourself in a situation that is detrimental to your mental well-being or if you feel that communication with someone is stormy, unsettled, and causing you pain, it could be in your best interest to leave the situation. If we tap into our innermost wisdom, we can all instinctively feel whether a positive outcome is viable or if there's no chance that things will ever improve. Trust your gut.

Hope you enjoy today's reading and sending you strength for the journey!

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