Thursday 10 October 2013

DAILY DRAW: Six of Wands

Victory is yours, says the Six of Wands. Either you have accomplished something that you have been working towards or victory is just within reach. It's all about having the confidence, belief in yourself, and the energy and fire in you to do what has to be done in order to get what you want.

The man on the horse is riding up to the finish line and he has company. People are marching alongside him in what looks like a victory parade. Not only is he proud of his accomplishments, so are they. He has inspired them. They are very happy to have him as a leader.

This card is telling us that this energy is within our capabilities today. We can be the man on the horse riding up to claim his prize or we can be one of the people in the crowd cheering him on. Not all of us feel the need to be the man on the horse, the center of attention. Some of us are just as happy being in their company and soaking up their energy, finding inspiration from them.

There is a fine line between confidence and cockiness, though. That friendly crowd marching beside the victor could just as easily turn nasty if he becomes too proud and boastful ... then things could take quite a different turn.

Congratulate yourself and give yourself your due if you find yourself on the receiving end of admiration and accolades today. You've worked hard for it and you deserve it. Enjoy this moment in the spotlight because as we all know ... success can be quite fickle and transitory.

If there is someone in your life who you look up to, enjoy them. Draw your inspiration from them. Consider what qualities about them you admire and want to develop in your own life.

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