Wednesday 16 October 2013

DAILY DRAW: Nine of Swords, reversed

You can't help but cringe a little when this card comes up. The image is clear enough: mental anguish, worry, depression, grief. The person in bed holding their head in their hands is inconsolable. The swords are piled up beside them, one worry and stress after another, and they are simply overwhelmed.

This card is reversed for us today meaning either the opposite (a return to normalcy, a recovery from such an unpleasant phase) or an intensification (a continuation of the same, a feeling that your worries and stresses continue to pile up and overwhelm you ... you feel like there is no escape.)

Consider the card that comes before this one, the Eight of Swords:

In this card, we see much the same energy .... a woman tied up, blindfolded, bound by ties, and surrounded by swords that seem like a fence around her. But her ties are loose and if she took a step, she could walk away from those supposed restrictions.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by worries and stress and feel like they are never going to end, remember that no matter what happens to us in our lives there is always a choice ... there is always a positive. Don't allow your worries to keep you feeling powerless, with your head in your hands. Refuse to allow negativity to control your thoughts. Yes, sometimes the events taking place in our lives suck and there are certain things that are beyond our control ... the one thing we can always control is the way we think.

Choose to believe that you will get through this ... because you will.


  1. I draw the eight of swords regularly so it doesn't frighten me that much any more. It's just a reminder to take of my blindfold and walk away to higher grounds :)

  2. I get that one a lot too. The nine's a little more daunting but still .... the same concept, right? There's always a choice in what you choose to focus on. Thanks for reading and commenting, Ellen!

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