Tuesday 22 October 2013

Vampire Tarot, Day 7 -- Nine of Stakes

The Nine of Stakes corresponds to the Nine of Wands in the Rider-Waite tarot. This card is all about being ready to let go of something that has been consuming a lot of your time and energy. You've got a little gas left in your tank but you're about to flame out.

Another thing that occurred to me after doing the video reading (I hate it when I forget these things but I am doing these readings off the cuff and sometimes additional insights come to me after the reading has been brewing for awhile) ... stakes (wands) are also all about fiery, sexual passion. This card could indicate that you feel like you are all consumed with passion for someone. That kind of attraction and those feelings are wonderful and exciting but they run the risk of becoming an obsession ... so balance that desire with attention to other parts of your life as well.

Hope you enjoy today's reading and thanks as always for visiting!

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