Wednesday 9 October 2013

DAILY DRAW: King of Pentacles

Prosperity. Success. Enjoying the good life. This is the realm of the King of Pentacles .... and it is an enviable position to be in.

The King of Pentacles is someone who is at the top of his or her game. He is someone who has put in the time and effort to get where he is and rest assured that he will enjoy the fruits of his labours when he gets there. Pentacles are the suit of the earthly realm and this is especially evident with the King of Pentacles. His castle looms in the background, his throne is ornate, and his robes are rich and velvety, the only garb suitable for such an esteemed individual. He's sitting outside as if he own the lands itself, and he does!

This King can represent a successful business person or someone who is very accomplished at whatever field they are in. It can be someone who is simply very adept at making his or her way through life, setting goals, achieving them in a way that seems effortless, and someone others flock to for practical advice. They appreciate beauty and opulence and surround themselves with it unapologetically.

You may encounter such a person today ... or you may BE that person today. In what areas of your life do you excel or feel particularly accomplished? Are you great in business? A born entrepreneur? Maybe you're a great cook or an awesome designer ... you know how to work with raw materials and transform them into something spectacular.

Whatever your personal strengths and talents, employ them and enjoy them today. Don't be so modest ... you know what your natural gifts are so let them shine.

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