The Sun is one of the cards of the Major Arcana. It is number 19 out of 21 and comes toward the end of the Fool's Journey. A process has almost been completed.
The Sun usually represents great joy, vibrance, and freedom. In the Rider Waite version of this card, we see a naked cherub on a horse galloping out of a garden. The image suggests great happiness, self expression, and vitality. In the Morgan Greer version of this card (pictured above), we see a man and a woman facing each other in a sunlit garden. Sunflowers are bursting around them and a hot red sun beams down on them both. They are communciating in a very warm, joyous, mutually affecting way. Notice how they're gazing at each other as if they've each recognized something in the other ... perhaps they both feel they have met their soul mate.
This card came up reversed which indicates that this energy has been turned upside down. What was formerly warm, affectionate, and mutually gratifying has been turned on its head. What caused this to happen? Why did something so good suddenly turn bad? Whatever the reason, chances are that both people are feeling the loss and the sun has clouded over for both of them.
Can this sunny warmth ever be regained? Only if both people are willing to communicate with the same intention and mutual affection that brought them together in the first place.
If you're feeling the sudden loss of something wonderful in your life, remember that if you felt it once, you can feel it again. It might not be with the same person or in the same circumstances but if it can happen once, it can happen again. The sudden loss just feels so jarring and terrible that it can trick you into thinking you will never feel this way again. Take heart ... life always finds a way of cycling back around, one way or another.
The Sun is always there, even when you can't see it behind the clouds.