Saturday 31 August 2013

DAILY DRAW: The Hermit

The Hermit is a Major Arcana card, number 9 in the Fool's Journey. Major Arcana cards deal with major life themes or universal truths that affect every human being. The Hermit is all about removing yourself from the world and being alone. Contemplating, meditating. Reflecting on your own life and life in general.

When The Hermit comes up, it suggests that some major events or a major transition is going on in your life right now. You need to take the time to address it. You are changing. Something about your life has changed and you need to think about why it has changed, if it's a positive or negative change, and how you find yourself responding to that change.

We can't think clearly when we're surrounded by a lot of distractions. Sometimes we need to climb to the mountaintop and remove ourselves from other humans for awhile. The Hermit is standing on the mountaintop and looking down at what he has left behind, but his lantern is illuminating everything around him very clearly. The light in that lantern represents his inner voice or his inner wisdom.

Sometimes The Hermit simply means that we need to get away from a lot of noise. If we're creative and feel blocked or unable to concentrate, The Hermit is telling us we are too distracted.

It can also mean that we are being overly removed, that we are pulling away from people too much or unnecessarily. It can mean that we are isolating ourselves or feeling that we are unable to deal with other people.

Whatever the reason The Hermit has come up for you (and you'll know the reason when you read this), take the time to tap into his wise, gentle energy and spend some time reflecting on aloneness. What does it mean for you? Is it positive or negative? Are there some things in your life that need to be addressed in order for you to evolve in a healthy way?

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