Wednesday 7 August 2013


Today's tarot card is from the beautiful Zen Osho deck. The card is the Ten of Air (or Ten of Swords in the Rider-Waite version).

In the Rider-Waite version of this card, we see a figure lying facedown on the ground completely impaled with swords in his back. It is over. That person has ceased to be. However, in the background, we see a beautiful sunrise emerging, indicating a brand new start.

The Zen Osho card illustrates this concept in a much more serene way. We see a flute player emerging from the body of a magnificent lion. The lion is roaring, emitting its primal, fierce energy. And beneath, we see the placid camel sitting in a grey mist or fog. This was the former self from which the lion has emerged.

How many of us desperately want to change but fight it because we're afraid of what the change will bring? It's only human to be afraid of the unknown but unless we grit our teeth and "feel the fear and do it anyway" change will never happen. I have known so many people who constantly complain about how miserable their lives are only to resist positive change whenever it appears, even if it's only in tiny increments.

Do you feel like you have been sitting on the sidelines, letting life pass you by? Have you criticized yourself for being apathetic or placid? Do you feel like the camel -- as if your thoughts and attitudes have weighed you down like a pair of humps?

Change is a natural part of life. Nothing ever stays the same. In this case, we are being offered a chance to evolve in a very powerful, positive way. Are you ready to be a lion? Then grab your flute and play the music of your newest self.

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