Wednesday 21 August 2013

DAILY DRAW: King of Wands

When the King of Wands shows up, he's the kind of man who's impossible to ignore. He's amazing to behold ... sexy, attractive, accomplished, extroverted, bursting with the masculine life force that makes women swoon. He's done it all, he's seen it all, and he still wants more. His tank never gets empty. He is a doer.

Kings in the tarot are said to represent men who are in their 40s and up. The kings rule their suits and in the case of Wands, it's all about creativity, passion, spirit ... the spark inside us that gets our fires going. Wands represent the element of fire so the King of Wands is the King of Fire. He's hot. He can be dangerous. He's beautiful.

Since the king is such an accomplished man, he can be impatient with people who aren't. He's not very tolerant of people without ambition or some degree of fire, and he's certainly not interested in them. He might put you off with his arrogance or ego but if he turns his attention your way, the feeling of those fiery eyes on you is undeniably powerful and gratifying. He's the kind of guy all the men want to go drinking with and all the women daydream about. This king is the exact opposite of the word "timid". He will go anywhere, do anything, at a moment's notice. Adventure is his middle name ... that's how he rolls.

This card is telling us we may encounter such a blazing personality today. Either that or we need to embrace his energy, confidence, and radiance. Don't be afraid to be who you are and don't apologize for it either. If you have certain skills and talents, USE them. Don't let the fact that you're good at something make you feel that you have to play it down in order for other people not to feel intimidated or jealous. There's a fine line between being boastful and accomplished. People who brag are really insecure because deep down, they don't believe in their abilities. People who are naturally gifted don't need to brag because they know their skills are innate and will never leave them.

Summer is coming to an end and we're at a time when those last few really hot days are about to give way to that autumn chill. Think of that outer heat as your inner heat and feel the fire within you. Let it burn!

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