Saturday 10 August 2013

DAILY DRAW: Six of Swords

Getting away from a bad situation. Seeking a safe haven. Leaving bad memories behind. This is the first impression that comes out of the Six of Swords.

We see what looks like a mother and child in a boat with their swords poking up like luggage. Swords represent our thoughts and attitudes, the way we think about things. They are taking their thoughts with them but they are taking them to a different place. Something has changed and they can no longer remain in the same state of mind they were in before. And there is an oarsmen pushing them away from shore. We can see the turbulent water as they push off but in the distance it is all calm and clear.

This card suggests that we have been through some turmoil and need to get away. It's either turmoil through circumstance or a mental turmoil that we have fostered ourselves. If you have been through some trials recently, allow yourself the kindness of leaving it behind. Staying in a bad situation only delays the inevitable.

This card could also put you in the oarsman's position. Is there someone in your life who's going through a tough time right now? You could be of some assistance to them, whether it's just a listening ear or actively helping them in some other way.

Peace and serenity. Head in that direction.

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