Tuesday 20 August 2013

DAILY DRAW: Ten of Swords, reversed

Tens in the tarot represent completion, the ending of a cycle. The suit of Swords represents thought, mental attitudes, and the way we communicate our thoughts. Put the two of these together and we can see that a way of thinking, attitude, or psychological issue in our lives has reached its limit. REALLY reached its limit.

The man in the card has been run through with those mental swords not once, not twice, but TEN times. The card is saying, how many times do you need to learn this lesson? Do you get it now? The man in the card has no choice. He has finally gotten it.

Reverse the card (turn it upside down) and you will see that gravity would cause the swords to fall out of the man's back, either indicating a relief from his pain or a troubling slip backwards, a refusal to accept that an issue is truly over. Is there some realization that you are resisting or a lesson that you are refusing to learn?

There are a few cards in the tarot that people dread seeing and the Ten of Swords is one of them. They see the man on the card pierced by swords and his blood leaking on to the ground and think: Oh no. This is bad. I'm in trouble. But the Ten of Swords is actually a very positive card. You can see the sun coming up in the background, making the dark sky give way. A dark period is over and new light is coming in.

We can choose to dwell in gloom and doom or an unproductive way of thinking ... or we can surrender to the truth and let it go. Take whatever positives you can from a situation and incorporate the wisdom you gained from it in your life. Either that or stagnate and refuse to grow.

Growth is always the wiser choice.

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