Monday 19 August 2013

DAILY DRAW: Knight of Cups, reversed

Romance is in the air ... but the card is reversed, so ladies ... BEWARE!!! :)

The Knight of Cups is the ultimate ladies' man. He loves to love. He is an unbridled romantic. His heart is chivalrous and idealistic about love but he is also easily distractable. He's a dreamer. One minute he's wooing you and the next he's been captivated by another pretty face and he's off on a new quest.

It's hard to resist someone so appealing. He may seem like the man of your dreams in his shiny armour on that white horse but he is also human. When we fall in love with someone, we tend to idealize them and then get extremely disappointed and hurt when we find out that they are not as flawless as they seem.

At his worst, the Knight of Cups reversed is an unapologetic womanizer or someone who is very narcissistic and cares only about his own romantic needs and gratification. At his best, he is simply a lovable rogue. He doesn't mean any harm, but it's like he has Attention Deficit Disorder when it comes to matters of the heart. He is mystifyingly oblivious to the fact that his actions have an effect on other people.

A Knight in the tarot also represents a youth or someone who is very young at heart, full of beans, raring to go, lots of energy and direction.

If there is a man in your life who is dazzling you with soft gazes and poetry, enjoy it, but be on your guard. Take it for what it is until you find out more about him. Is he a keeper or just an incorrigible flirt?

Time will tell. Keep your panties on for the time being.

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