Wednesday 28 August 2013

DAILY DRAW: Queen of Cups

Queens in the tarot are the feminine rulers of their suit. They represent the female aspect of their realm and in the Cups' case, it is love, emotions, feelings ... anything that sits within the confines of one's heart.

This Queen sits on a very ornate throne with cherubs at each corner (although we can only see three of them at this angle). She also holds a very ornate cup which many say is reminiscent of the Holy Grail. This beautiful cup is a symbol of her emotions. They are perfectly crafted, harmonious, and have been blended together to make this beautiful work of art. You'll also notice that she's sitting at the edge of a lake and the water is lapping at her feet. Cups are associated with the element of water and if we think about water ... it's soft, it's fluid, it moves, it changes constantly. Sometimes it just laps at us and washes over us in gentle waves and sometimes it's stormy. That's how our emotions are. They can be gentle and sweet or they can be stormy and in turmoil. The Queen understands this and she's perfectly okay with it. She doesn't allow her emotions to unseat her from her throne. She flows with them rather than fights them.

Queens can also represent a woman who is in her 40s and up. She is someone who courses with emotion. She loves to love and she loves to give her love to other people. She is warm and generous with her feelings and very perceptive about other people's feelings as well. She's the kind of person who can make everything feel better if she wraps her arms around you.

This card is saying that you may be at a place in your life when you are feeling the emotional intensity and power of emotions at their full force. If they're on the good side, enjoy it. If not, remember that our emotions are like water. They are constantly changing shape and direction. Nothing ever stays exactly the way it was even a moment before. We're like little lakes, our tides are constantly changing.

It could also indicate that we may encounter someone with this loving, warm, vibrant energy today. Enjoy her. Learn from her mastery of all things emotional and the way she embraces the workings of her heart.

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