Tuesday 3 September 2013

DAILY DRAW: Five of Wands, reversed

The image in the Five of Wands is pretty clear: there's a lot of confusion going on. Everyone is at cross purposes. Some people see the men in the card as simply engaging in some kind of sport, a friendly game. Others see it more as disorganization, miscommunication, disharmony. Everyone has their own agenda and is not paying attention to the other people involved.

This card came up reversed (upside down) today which means that the energy is blocked or emphasized. It could mean that if there's some kind of miscommunication or misunderstanding going on in your life, it has the potential to get worse. Make sure that your own words and actions are clear but don't be surprised if you find that others aren't as straightforward as you are or play as nicely as you do. Don't let it get to you. Take a deep breath and remember that YOU are in charge of how you feel. No one else can throw you off or upset you unless you allow it.

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