Wednesday 4 September 2013

DAILY DRAW: The Devil, reversed

The Devil is one scary-looking dude. In this card he appears like the nightmarish figure we all heard about as children with horns, hooves, and giant bat wings. A man and a woman (the masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves) are both tethered to him. But you'll notice that the chains around their necks are loose and dangling. It's an attachment of their own making. They could slip out of those chains if they wanted to, but they either believe they're powerless to do so or are simply too caught up in their own addictions, illusions, and feelings of helplessness.

The Devil is all about illusion. It's about indulging the weakest parts of ourselves and believing that we have no choice in the matter. It often represents addiction, feeling like we can't overcome our driving need for certain substances, whether it be alcohol, food, drugs, negative behaviours. Very often it represents sex and feeling like we can't control our basest desires, and hating ourselves for them. You know the phrase, "The Devil made me do it"? Basically, we feel like something else has control of us and we can't fight it no matter how hard we try.

This is all illusion. We all have the ultimate say in our lives. We can either slam down the gavel like the staunchest judge, say "enough is enough" and leave those chains behind ... or we can choose to believe that we are weak and terribly flawed human beings who deserve to be in bondage.

The good news is .... this card was reversed today which indicates the change has begun. We are well aware of our triggers, addictions, and false beliefs and we have begun to take control and change them. The lightbulb has gone off in our heads: we don't have to live like this anymore. We may not be out of the woods yet .... there is still some work to be done ... but the departure from those destructive negative beliefs has begun. Give yourself a pat on the back for recognizing what no longer serves you.

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