Friday 6 September 2013

DAILY DRAW: Four of Pentacles

Sometimes the world can seem like a very threatening, scary place. A lot of people deal with that by closing themselves off from the world and clinging to what they have as a way of feeling secure. This is what the man in the Four of Pentacles is doing. A lot of people think of this as the "miser" card, but I don't see it that way at all. I see the man in this card as simply being afraid of what others might possibly do to or steal from him.

In the background, we see a city with its high towers, bustling commerce, and crowded humanity. He has managed to amass a few pentacles there (Pentacles represent earthly matters like money, home, health, and security) and he has gotten out of there with his pentacles intact and he is making sure he doesn't lose them.

The Four of Pentacles is all about security. Do you feel secure? Or not? If so, why not? Is there some kind of actual threat to your personal security going on?

I can't help but think of my daughter as I write this. Most kids started back to school this week and my daughter has just embarked on her first year of high school. She is not taking well to it. For the past few days, I have been busy trying to reassure her that it will get better, that I totally understand her feelings of alienation and intimidation feeling like a mere speck in a crowd of 900 total strangers. I didn't like high school either. But times have changed. There is so much more pressure on kids these days to be a certain way and look a certain way. Add academic pressure to that and you have major overload.

Sometimes retreating and taking comfort in the familiarity of what we have is a good thing. Who can survive in a chaotic atmosphere for very long? We all need to make sure that we feel safe and comfortable in order to function at our best. But we need to make sure we don't cut ourselves off from the world entirely because this will only stifle our growth.

Are you clinging too tightly to what you have? Afraid to step out of your comfort zone? Are any fears you have realistic or more a product of your own mind? That's what the Four of Pentacles is asking.

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