Wednesday 11 September 2013

DAILY DRAW: Strength (reversed)

The Strength card is all about emotional maturity. It's about being able to handle "the beast within" ... emotions that seem difficult to handle and hard to control. Sometimes our feelings seem like they overwhelm us and get the better of us. Strength is the part of ourselves that is able to calm down, take a step back, and realize that what is going on inside of us is entirely up to us. Your life can be in turmoil and feel like it's out of control due to outside events, but if you can connect with a sense of inner calm, inner peace, nothing can faze you ... no matter how chaotic things may seem on the exterior.

This card was reversed today which indicates we may have some challenges in this area today. Are you feeling like your life is out of your control ... that the people or situations in your life just aren't cooperating with you or even causing you pain?

Remember that you always have a choice. You can allow outside circumstances to overwhelm you and make you feel like you are a pawn in a game of chess, or you can be like the woman in the card ... calmly reaching down and taking control of the situation with a perfect understanding and acceptance of all that is. She knows that no matter what happens to us on the outside, nothing can affect our sense of self unless we allow it.

Many of us believe that unless we have certain things, such as a beautiful home, lots of money, the "perfect" partner, etc., we cannot be happy, and we can drive ourselves crazy desperately trying to attain the things that we THINK are going to make us feel calm, grounded, centred, at peace, and satisifed. The truth is, you are all you need. That's what the Strength card is all about. You are the centre and creator of your own experience.

If you are feeling overwhelmed today, take some time today to be alone and reflect on these things. Never forget how powerful you are.


  1. What a great card this is. Next to The Hermit, my favorite card!
    Sometimes we are afraid of our own strength, our own power and we behave like victims who have no choice. I am glad that I gradually get to know and appreciate my inner lion better.

  2. I love this card too. I love the fact that it illustrates how perfectly that we are at our most powerful when we are calm, at peace, centred. Most people think you have to be aggressive and loud to be strong ... not the case at all. As a matter of fact, that kind of blustery behaviour usually indicates insecurity. A beautiful card, one of my favourites too!
