Friday 27 September 2013

DAILY DRAW: Page of Cups

I had to smile when I picked this card today because it has such a young, innocent, exploratory quality to it. A very nice energy. I think it's a great start to our weekend. The Page of Cups depicted here is from the Vanessa tarot.

I love the cute cartoon image on this card. The dialogue is almost palpable. The little girl is looking down at the fish and says, "Hi." The fish says, "Hey, how you doing." There's a very open, sweet energy there ... getting to know someone, taking those first steps, beginning a relationship. They're starting a conversation. They're getting to know each other. It always feels a little awkward when you first get to know someone. You're not sure if they'll like you, they're not sure if you'll like them, but there's a willingness on both parts to give it a try. With the tiles in the background, it also looks like they're at a swimming pool, which is very appropriate, since the suit of Cups is associated with water. Diving in. They're about to dive into something.

The suit of Cups is all about emotions. Water flows, it changes course, it's malleable ... but it also has a life of its own and no matter how much you try to control it, in the end its intrinsic nature will always win out. Emotions are an exciting realm, but they can also feel quite scary and dangerous at times.

The Page represents someone young ... either someone chronologically young or young in spirit. He or she is someone who is enthusiastic, curious, very sensitive and maybe a little naive and vulnerable. This person may be inexperienced in terms of love and emotion and have a difficult time handling their feelings. They may get easily overwhelmed or frightened but they're still curious enough to venture out there to get the experience. They are eager to learn more. Think of the baby who's just learning to walk. They take a step or two, fall down, cry for a few seconds, then get up and try again. That's this Page in a nutshell.

This card is tuning us in to this part of ourselves today. No matter how old or experienced we are, there is always a part of us that feels a little scared when we're venturing into new emotional territory. You may find yourself feeling a little vulnerable or uncertain of your feelings today. Maybe there's someone in your life who makes you feel off balance or afraid. Be gentle with yourself and think of yourself as that innocent little child whose feelings need protecting. Get out there and experience life and love ... but make sure your inner parent is keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings and is ready to act in case those feelings are in danger.


  1. Lovely card! I like the way you tell a story about the girl and the fish.The reading becomes more fluid that way. I've just started blogging: meeting new people, being open in communication (in a strange language) So I can relate to this card Thanks :)

  2. You're very welcome! And I'm glad that you liked my off-the-cuff illustration about the girl and the fish. :) Thanks for reading and commenting. I hope you keep visiting.
