Wednesday 24 July 2013

DAILY DRAW: Three of Swords

Today's tarot card is from the Connolly Tarot, a beautiful medieval-themed deck inspired by Renaissance art.

The Three of Swords is about mental pain. Swords relate to our thoughts and the way our minds work. In the Rider Waite version of this card, you'll see a large heart pierced by three swords, indicating heartbreak or a massive grief. In this card, the swords are enveloped in a cloud ... but notice how the middle sword has a beautiful white rose at the tip, indicating that even though we may be going through something painful, something sweet and positive will come out of it. The most valuable lessons are always the ones that feel the hardest to learn.

The castle tower beneath the swords also represents home to me ... a safe haven where you can retreat if you are feeling very sad, hurt, or confused. Wounds need time to heal and the best places to spend that time are places were you feel comfortable, safe, and serene. It doesn't necessarily have to be your home ... it can be someplace that FEELS like home. This place is your foundation, your rock.

Also notice the beautiful blue sky in the background. No state of mind lasts forever. Do you remember a time when you felt: I'm NEVER going to get over this! You did get over it. It's hard for us to imagine when we're in the thick of it, but pain does pass and it does get better.

If you're going through a painful experience, realize that it will pass. In the meantime, make sure to treat yourself well. Baby yourself a little. Nurse those wounds. The blue sky is just around the corner.

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