Thursday 18 July 2013

DAILY DRAW: Four of Cups (reversed)

The Four of Cups is one of my favourite cards in the tarot. I love the image of the man sitting on the ground with the three cups in front of him and this magic cup being offered to him from a miraculous hand in a cloud.

Cups are about emotions, our feelings, things that are important to our hearts. This new state of being or emotional opportunity is being offered to the man but he is oblivious. To me, he looks like he's just had a fight with his girlfriend and he's gone to the top of this hill to sit and sulk. He's self absorbed. He's thinking about how crappy he feels ... to the point that he is missing out on a whole new way of feeling.

Since this card was reversed, it means the opposite. It means that not only are we going to be aware of all new emotional or love opportunities, we're going to be ready to seize the opportunity when it arrives. We are going to feel appreciative and contented about all the love in our lives and feel grateful for the range of emotions that we feel (even the unpleasant ones, because they teach us so many important lessons).

You could be approached by someone new in a romantic way, or just come to appreciate your emotions in a whole new way today. You could also make a new friend. Enjoy it. Don't be oblivious or indifferent to love in whatever form it shows up today.

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