Monday 15 July 2013

DAILY DRAW: Judgement

The Judgement card is the second-last card in the tarot. It shows up just before the completion, culmination, and perfection of The World card, which is the last card in the Major Arcana. As you can see from the images on this card, it is quite a dramatic energy. An angel is blowing a trumpet and people are rising from their graves, looking up in reverence and awe. They have been "dead" or, at the very least, asleep before this remarkable realization took place. Now they are undeniably awake and completely alive in every aspect of their beings.

Judgement is all about hearing "the call". Do you feel or have you always felt that you are being called to do something particular in life? Do you know exactly who you are? Have you figured out all your mysteries and paradoxes and positive attributes? How have all the events in your life -- good and bad -- contributed to making the person you are now? What about you has changed irrevocably from the person you used to be?

These are all questions that come up when we see the Judgement card. It's about being ready and committed to taking the next major step in your evolution and realizing that once you commit to it, you can never go back to the way things were.

Is there something you have always felt drawn to do but, for some reason, have been putting off? Do you feel compelled to do something that you know will change your life irrevocably? Judgement is telling you that it is time to answer the call. Stand up and be counted. Your life will never be the same and that strikes fear in a lot of people. Sometimes we just want to be comfortable and we like things to be predictable. But that is not the way life works. Sometimes major change has to occur and major change is never easy ... but it is always transformative.

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