Tuesday 9 July 2013

DAILY DRAW: Queen of Pentacles

Today's card is the Queen of Pentacles. I've searched for a few different images that I really like and want to share with you. The first one is from the Lindmara tarot.

I love this card's depiction as the Queen of Pentacles in "queen of the hearth" mode. She is sitting in domestic bliss with the carpet impeccably vacuumed, the cushions placed just so on the sofa, the drapes flawlessly accentuating the decor in the living room, her little pet dog on her lap, and her cup of tea and book on the coffee table in front of her. The Queen of Pentacles is master of her domain -- Martha Stewart without the edge.

The next card is from the Clover tarot:

This card with its beautiful pastel colours takes the concept of the Queen of Pentacles as master of her domain one step further and shows her in complete harmony with the world around her (in this case, the African savannah), breastfeeding a baby and petting a goat at the same time, the ultimate multi-tasking nurturer. Notice how at ease she is in her body as well, not the least self-conscious about her nudity.

And here is the Rider-Waite version:

Here again the queen holds the pentacle on her lap as if it were a baby. The Queen of Pentacles is the ultimate nurturer. She is an earth goddess. She loves nature, she loves beautiful things, and she loves to take care of people and make them feel good. She likes to have a clean home and chances are if you were to visit her you'd be complimenting her on her beautiful home while she's slicing you a piece of homemade chocolate cake and pouring you a cup of coffee. She can also be someone who's very accomplished in business, an executive, a saleswoman, or even a doctor. This is a woman who performs tasks flawlessly and delights in managing the world around her.

Channel that Queen of Pentacles energy today. Appreciate the world around you. If you're lucky enough to have a Queen of Pentacles in your life, thank her for the impeccable meal she puts on your plate tonight. If you see a woman today who is flawlessly dressed, perfect makeup and not a hair out of place, weighed down with shopping bags, smile and realize you've just crossed paths with tarot royalty.

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