Wednesday, 31 July 2013

My Tarot Work and Storage Space

Hello everyone,

I did a little video about my tarot work area ... where I keep my cards and guidebooks, and my general work area. I have to share my tarot space with my regular workspace (I work from home in my day job) but it works quite well. This is my energy center. :) Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Books in My Tarot Library

Just thought I would share my tarot library with you and talk about some of the books I've used to help in my exploration of the tarot. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

DAILY DRAW: Three of Swords

Today's tarot card is from the Connolly Tarot, a beautiful medieval-themed deck inspired by Renaissance art.

The Three of Swords is about mental pain. Swords relate to our thoughts and the way our minds work. In the Rider Waite version of this card, you'll see a large heart pierced by three swords, indicating heartbreak or a massive grief. In this card, the swords are enveloped in a cloud ... but notice how the middle sword has a beautiful white rose at the tip, indicating that even though we may be going through something painful, something sweet and positive will come out of it. The most valuable lessons are always the ones that feel the hardest to learn.

The castle tower beneath the swords also represents home to me ... a safe haven where you can retreat if you are feeling very sad, hurt, or confused. Wounds need time to heal and the best places to spend that time are places were you feel comfortable, safe, and serene. It doesn't necessarily have to be your home ... it can be someplace that FEELS like home. This place is your foundation, your rock.

Also notice the beautiful blue sky in the background. No state of mind lasts forever. Do you remember a time when you felt: I'm NEVER going to get over this! You did get over it. It's hard for us to imagine when we're in the thick of it, but pain does pass and it does get better.

If you're going through a painful experience, realize that it will pass. In the meantime, make sure to treat yourself well. Baby yourself a little. Nurse those wounds. The blue sky is just around the corner.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

DAILY DRAW: Four of Cups (reversed)

The Four of Cups is one of my favourite cards in the tarot. I love the image of the man sitting on the ground with the three cups in front of him and this magic cup being offered to him from a miraculous hand in a cloud.

Cups are about emotions, our feelings, things that are important to our hearts. This new state of being or emotional opportunity is being offered to the man but he is oblivious. To me, he looks like he's just had a fight with his girlfriend and he's gone to the top of this hill to sit and sulk. He's self absorbed. He's thinking about how crappy he feels ... to the point that he is missing out on a whole new way of feeling.

Since this card was reversed, it means the opposite. It means that not only are we going to be aware of all new emotional or love opportunities, we're going to be ready to seize the opportunity when it arrives. We are going to feel appreciative and contented about all the love in our lives and feel grateful for the range of emotions that we feel (even the unpleasant ones, because they teach us so many important lessons).

You could be approached by someone new in a romantic way, or just come to appreciate your emotions in a whole new way today. You could also make a new friend. Enjoy it. Don't be oblivious or indifferent to love in whatever form it shows up today.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Simply Deep Tarot -- Deck Review

Here's another deck review. I really REALLY love this deck. Its charming, simple, concise artwork wonderfully narrows down the essence of each card. The colors are bold and fun and the whole deck has a very positive vibe. This would be a great deck for beginners or even kids. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, 15 July 2013

DAILY DRAW: Judgement

The Judgement card is the second-last card in the tarot. It shows up just before the completion, culmination, and perfection of The World card, which is the last card in the Major Arcana. As you can see from the images on this card, it is quite a dramatic energy. An angel is blowing a trumpet and people are rising from their graves, looking up in reverence and awe. They have been "dead" or, at the very least, asleep before this remarkable realization took place. Now they are undeniably awake and completely alive in every aspect of their beings.

Judgement is all about hearing "the call". Do you feel or have you always felt that you are being called to do something particular in life? Do you know exactly who you are? Have you figured out all your mysteries and paradoxes and positive attributes? How have all the events in your life -- good and bad -- contributed to making the person you are now? What about you has changed irrevocably from the person you used to be?

These are all questions that come up when we see the Judgement card. It's about being ready and committed to taking the next major step in your evolution and realizing that once you commit to it, you can never go back to the way things were.

Is there something you have always felt drawn to do but, for some reason, have been putting off? Do you feel compelled to do something that you know will change your life irrevocably? Judgement is telling you that it is time to answer the call. Stand up and be counted. Your life will never be the same and that strikes fear in a lot of people. Sometimes we just want to be comfortable and we like things to be predictable. But that is not the way life works. Sometimes major change has to occur and major change is never easy ... but it is always transformative.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Deck Review: Voyager Tarot

This is more of a first impressions video rather than a review since I just bought these cards a couple of days ago and I haven't used them yet, not even for a daily draw. But I had quite a strong reaction to them and I wanted to share it with you. Hope you enjoy!

Check Out My Intro Video on my Youtube Channel!

Hello everyone,

I've posted a video introducing myself and how I came to start working with the tarot on my Youtube channel. I previously used the channel only as a base for readings, but now I'm planning to do more videos on tarot, such as deck reviews and just general musings about tarot. Please check it out and subscribe!

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Book Your Reading Now!

Hello everyone,
Please check out the little ad I created for Tarot Wonderland. (Please click the FULL SCREEN box on the bottom to better see the text. It doesn't show up very well in the miniature version.)
Don't hesitate to get in contact with me if you'd like a reading. Right now, I'm doing three-card video readings for only $10. Send me your question and I will post your video reading on Youtube (using only your first name as an identifier).
I hope to hear from you and look forward to discovering what the cards have to say to you! 

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

DAILY DRAW: Queen of Pentacles

Today's card is the Queen of Pentacles. I've searched for a few different images that I really like and want to share with you. The first one is from the Lindmara tarot.

I love this card's depiction as the Queen of Pentacles in "queen of the hearth" mode. She is sitting in domestic bliss with the carpet impeccably vacuumed, the cushions placed just so on the sofa, the drapes flawlessly accentuating the decor in the living room, her little pet dog on her lap, and her cup of tea and book on the coffee table in front of her. The Queen of Pentacles is master of her domain -- Martha Stewart without the edge.

The next card is from the Clover tarot:

This card with its beautiful pastel colours takes the concept of the Queen of Pentacles as master of her domain one step further and shows her in complete harmony with the world around her (in this case, the African savannah), breastfeeding a baby and petting a goat at the same time, the ultimate multi-tasking nurturer. Notice how at ease she is in her body as well, not the least self-conscious about her nudity.

And here is the Rider-Waite version:

Here again the queen holds the pentacle on her lap as if it were a baby. The Queen of Pentacles is the ultimate nurturer. She is an earth goddess. She loves nature, she loves beautiful things, and she loves to take care of people and make them feel good. She likes to have a clean home and chances are if you were to visit her you'd be complimenting her on her beautiful home while she's slicing you a piece of homemade chocolate cake and pouring you a cup of coffee. She can also be someone who's very accomplished in business, an executive, a saleswoman, or even a doctor. This is a woman who performs tasks flawlessly and delights in managing the world around her.

Channel that Queen of Pentacles energy today. Appreciate the world around you. If you're lucky enough to have a Queen of Pentacles in your life, thank her for the impeccable meal she puts on your plate tonight. If you see a woman today who is flawlessly dressed, perfect makeup and not a hair out of place, weighed down with shopping bags, smile and realize you've just crossed paths with tarot royalty.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Tarot Quiz 1: Guess the Meaning of the Card

Hi everyone,

I'd like to start featuring a little quiz where people can learn about the cards along with me. I'll post a picture of a tarot card along with a few multiple choice meanings you can choose from regarding the card's meaning. The first person to get the "correct" answer will win a free three-card reading from me! You can answer either here on my blog or on my Facebook page.

Keep in mind that tarot is a very intuitive process. Although there are "book meanings" or traditional meanings associated with each card, the cards are so much more than that. They can be interpreted in a myriad of ways depending on the querent (the person asking the cards a question), the reader's gut instinct, and the question itself. For now, we'll just deal with the more traditional associations of each card.

Our first card up for interpretation is the Strength card:

The meaning of this card is:

a) treat others as you expect to be treated

b) a gentle nature will always win in every situation

c) the true definition of strength is about being able to handle difficult emotions with calm and grace

d) being kind to animals is an essential trait of any human being

e) understanding and enjoying nature is an essential part of human life

f) women can be ferocious as well as nurturing

Let me know your answers! Remember, the first person to get the correct answer will win a free reading! Good luck, everyone!