Tuesday 4 June 2013

DAILY DRAW: Three of Pentacles

Do you like your job? Do you feel that you are a master at what you do? The Three of Pentacles is about work: what you do, how you do it, and working with other people.

In order for us to be happy in our work lives, we have to do what we love. If you go to work every day dreading it and resenting the fact that you have to spend time doing something you hate, obviously you are not going to get much out of it ... not only psychologically and emotionally, but financially as well.

The man standing on the bench is a stonemason. He has just placed the cornerstone of the building and he is consulting two other men, a monk and an architect. They appear to be quite satisfied with what he is doing and he appears quite satisfied to be there.

Work involves providing a service. Who are you providing a service for in your work? Do you enjoy providing that service? Are the people you are providing the service for happy with the help you give them? Or is all you can think about that you are feeling stifled and would much rather be somewhere else?

We all deserve work that satisfies us and enriches our lives financially and emotionally. If you don't have a job you enjoy, think about how you can bring that into your life. Browse the want ads for jobs in your area of interest ... start conversations with people who are doing what you want to do and ask them about openings in that field or how they got started.

If you are already doing what you love, enjoy it. The more you genuinely love your work, the more your efforts will pay off in your heart and in your bank account.

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