Sunday 9 June 2013

DAILY DRAW: The Empress

What a wonderful, incredible card to draw today. After some drama I experienced last night that left me feeling a little shaken and stirred, this card is a definite message to me (and you): Embrace your goddess energy! Do not kid yourself into believing that other people can take your power away from you. You are innately powerful.

The Empress is all about the divine feminine. She is the goddess of love, sexuality, nurturing, creativity, nature. She has the power of the universe at her fingertips. Anything is possible with the Empress.

This card to me is also about regeneration. The Empress in this card makes me think: queen of the harvest. She is sitting in front of a crop of wheat and water from a stream is trickling beside her. She represents growth and the life force. I cannot say enough about the power of this card.

If you have been feeling a little helpless, a little uncertain about the significance of your actions in the world, this card is telling you to have no doubt. Nature goes in cycles. Sometimes it's in full bloom, other times it's stark and dry. But even in those stark times, nature is still working her wonders. It might not be immediately visible, but it will come to fruition when the time is right and then it will dazzle you. Think of a child growing in its mother's womb. Before the baby is born, it grows and develops and we cannot see what is going on with our naked eyes. When the baby is born and we see that amazing new human being, we are all amazed at the beauty and wonder of life.

Never doubt your power. Never doubt your ability to create what you want in your life. We are all innately creative, powerful beings. Embrace that Empress energy today. Her power is within us all, female and male alike.

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