Wednesday 5 June 2013

DAILY DRAW: Strength

Strength is one of my favourite cards in the tarot. The image evokes some very powerful emotions. Observe what is going on in the card. A very graceful-looking lady draped in flowers is bending down to clasp shut the jaws of lion. What do you think would happen if she were to do this in "real" life? The lion would probably jump on her and maul her. But look at what the lion is doing. He is just looking up at her, making eye contact with her as if he is hypnotized and allowing her to handle him. You can tell that she is not handling him forcefully ... she is doing it gently, being careful not to hurt him.

Strength is all about calling upon that gentle force within us to tame our darker or aggressive side. The lion represents the beast within us, and the lady represents our higher self, the person we are when are manifesting our most positive essence. We all have our weaknesses and fears. Very often, they can sabotage potentially great situations and many of us feel helpless to do anything about it. We find ourselves acting in ways that are counterproductive or even destructive. We act without thinking and then we are left wondering, why did I do that? Or, what just happened?

If you find yourself in a challenging situation today, make sure to take a pause. Better yet, close your eyes and breathe. If anxious, fearful, uncomfortable emotions are raging inside you, remember that you have this gentle force within you that can tame them. Call upon her. The solution to any challenging situation is never to approach it with negativity or aggression ... that just makes it worse. If you can develop the ability to take a step back and call upon the wise, gentle soul inside you, she can work wonders in your life.

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