Monday 10 June 2013

DAILY DRAW: Five of Wands

The Five of Wands, like all tarot cards, can be interpreted in many different ways. Some people might see it simply as a group of young men engaging in some recreational sport, and others might see it as discord, chaos, confusion, competitiveness, and jockeying for position.

I get the latter sense from this card today. Be prepared to possibly clash with others today or to have to deal with difficult people. Remember that the more you allow a negative person to affect your state of mind, the worse off you will be. If someone gives you a hard time or pushes your buttons, just breathe, smile, and don't allow yourself to get caught up in their negative energy.

This card could also simply indicate miscommunication. The men in this card look like they are trying to erect some kind of structure, but there is no coordination going on. One man is going this way, the other is going that way, none of them are looking at each other, and it's just a mess. That could also be the case today. Make sure you communicate clearly and if you don't understand what someone else is doing or saying, ask for clarification.

The Five of Wands can only get us in a tizzy if we let it. Remember that you have the ultimate control in every situation by the way you respond to it.

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