Thursday 6 June 2013

DAILY DRAW: The High Priestess

I am loving these cards lately. We are going through a major transformation in our lives which is why these incredible Major Arcana cards are popping up. It's an exciting time.

The High Priestess is all about intuition. She is the keeper of secrets and ancient knowledge. She sits quietly in her inner chamber waiting for us to access her silent wisdom. She is the truth teller deep inside us.

If you are simply wondering about a situation or perhaps even agonizing over a major decision (like I am right now), the High Priestess tells us that all we need to do is be quiet and still and to come into her world. There, we will find the answers we seek.

Pay attention to the things that catch your eye today, snippets of text you see on the internet or in the paper, what images you see on TV and out in the world. They are one way of providing clues or a path to finding the answers you want. Even more importantly, make some time to be alone today, in a quiet place, and call upon the High Priestess inside you. What would she tell you if you were to sit at her feet and ask your questions? Visualize yourself sitting in front of her asking your question(s). What would she say?

That is your answer.

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