Monday 5 January 2015

Weekly Reading -- January 5-11, 2015

Happy New Year! Thanks for joining me for another year of tarot readings.

Our first reading for 2015 starts out with some very nice energy with the Page of Pentacles. Pages are said to represent young people or people with childlike energy -- enthusiasm, optimism, curiosity. Pages have a willingness to learn but not a lot of experience. They can also be messengers. We could start this week and year with a new venture or a new idea. Perhaps you're looking for a new job, considering taking a course in school, or doing something you haven't done before. You could also receive a message concerning these things.

The Knight of Rods (or Wands) follows the Page which is a natural progression of the energy that started with the Page. This could indicate that we are not only willing to learn something new but that we have fully embraced it and are taking it on with a great deal of enthusiasm and determination.

By the weekend, the Seven of Rods (Wands) indicates that we could come in contact with someone who makes us feel that we have to defend ourselves or our ideas. Sometimes people in our lives get jealous or competitive when they see us approaching something with enthusiasm and excitement. They may try to knock us down. This could also be you second-guessing yourself and trying to talk yourself out of this new venture due to self-doubt and fear. Whichever scenario it is, outsider or yourself, don't allow this negative energy to throw you off and knock you off course. Stand your ground and don't allow other people (or yourself) to tarnish your enthusiasm and end your project before it even gets a proper start.

Thank you for visiting and wishing you a prosperous, successful new year!

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