Monday 12 January 2015

Weekly Reading: January 12-18, 2015

Is there someone in your life who needs something or is there something you need? You're likely to get it as our week starts off with the generosity of the Six of Earth (or Pentacles). This card is all about giving and receiving. If you are giving to someone else, give freely -- give because you WANT to give, not because you feel you HAVE to give. If you are in a position to receive, receive gratefully and wholeheartedly.

This leads us to the Five of Water (Cups) which is about focusing on the negative rather than the positive. It's important to remember that when something disappointing happens it's natural for us to feel down and gloomy. However try your best not to stay in that mode for too long because negativity breeds negativity. Remember that things end for a reason and that reason is to free you up for something BETTER. Focus on the positive.

At the end of the week allow yourself to flow into the calm introspection of the High Priestess. If you are looking for the answer to a question that has eluded you up to now, allow yourself to tune in to your inner wisdom. Spend some time alone. Pay attention to whatever thoughts come into your head or any little synchronicities that occur. They may be trying to give you clues.

Enjoy your week! :)

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