Monday 19 January 2015

Weekly Reading -- January 19-25, 2014

This week is all about maintaining your calm and sense of self and refusing to allow an irritating person to affect your state of mind.

The start of the week could see us encountering an obnoxious grandstander. The Queen of Wands in the upright position is a person with a great deal of charisma, confidence and magnetism. However the card was reversed so this indicates someone with negative energy, someone who could be an egotist or a bully. Don't allow this person to get to you. If it's someone you can't avoid dealing with, such as your boss, take a deep breath and maintain your sense of calm.

This interaction could set off a lot of stress and worry inside you by mid-week. Be gentle with yourself and try to keep your mood and thoughts positive as much as possible. Laughter is great therapy. Spend some time with a good friend, watch a silly comedy, or just spend time doing things you enjoy.

By the weekend your sense of confidence will return and you will be back on track moving forward with energy and drive. The Chariot card could also be referring to the person we encounter at the beginning of the week and be telling us it's time to get away -- FAR away -- from this person's negative influence.

Enjoy your week and remember -- no one can affect us negatively unless we allow them to.

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