Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Tarot Tuesday #13: SEVEN OF SWORDS -- Things May Not Be What They Seem

The Seven of Swords is one of the most intriguing cards in the tarot. I'm using the beautiful Connolly Tarot this week, a deck that has a very Renaissance look. It's drenched in gorgeously vivid, jewel-toned colours. The Rider-Waite version of this card is quite different. Here's what it looks like:

This card's meaning can be interpreted in so many different ways but on the surface, it appears to be about deception or sneakiness. A man is creeping away from an encampment holding five swords and in the background a group of men are standing, oblivious to the intruder. Since Swords are all about our thoughts and the mental realm, this card is more about hiding aspects of oneself or keeping certain details or opinions private. It's about appearing one way on the surface but being quite different in reality. Sometimes we do this for positive reasons and at other times for very negative ones ... whether we lie to others, misrepresent things, stretch the truth, etc. Is there someone in your life who you suspect is not being completely truthful with you? Perhaps you are not being completely truthful? This card could also be telling you that sometimes it can be advisable to "keep your cards close to the vest", for practical reasons.

I hope you enjoy this week's reading.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Tarot Tuesday #12: The World is Our Oyster

Wow ... what a nice card to see this week. The World tells us that we have successfully completed one cycle or phase of our life. We have taken all the necessary steps, learned the necessary lessons, and integrated what we have learned from the process into our psyches. We know who we are, what we want, and where we are going. However ... although this card is very positive and celebratory, it also alerts us to the possibility of stagnation. Sometimes we can get TOO comfortable, TOO secure, TOO sedate. Life cannot progress naturally without constant movement. So if you have been in a safe, comfortable, secure environment for a tad too long (and you will always know if you have), The World could be telling you it's time to challenge yourself and start the journey again.

Hope you enjoy my video reading and see you next week!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Tarot Tuesday #11: THE HERMIT -- Vanessa Tarot

This week's card is Major Arcana 9, The Hermit. I decided to use the Vanessa Tarot this week for a little girl power. It's a really cute deck and always makes me smile. It's great for beginners, very user friendly, and I highly recommend it.

The Hermit is telling us we need to retreat from the world and reflect upon our lives. Have you been struggling with a particular issue? Have you been trying to find a solution to a problem and it just seems to keep eluding you? The Hermit symbolizes the wisdom within all of us that knows all the answers, all the solutions. All we have to do is listen but you can't listen when you're surrounded by the many distractions of the world. Take time to be by yourself this week. Reflect, question things.

All tarot cards have positive and negative attributes, however, and one negative aspect of The Hermit is the tendency to isolate yourself, to be alone too much. If you've been doing this, try to get out of that habit. If solitude is a comfort zone for you (as it is for me), it's important to realize that comfort may be important but it can also be counterproductive if you want change. Change is rarely comfortable and it may require a little adjustment on your part.

Here's this week's reading. I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Message from the Goddess Tarot

I have decided to incorporate some of my own personal draws into this blog for the purposes not only of sharing and learning from them with you, but as a way of embracing a new way of life which includes more honesty not only with myself but with others.

So, this morning I drew a card from the Goddess Tarot regarding a situation in my life that has been causing me a lot of pain. I asked for a message from one of the goddesses regarding that situation, how to move on, how to deal with the difficult feelings it raised in me. This is what I received (reversed):

I turned the card upright and studied it for a long time and these are the images that stood out to me.

The diaphonous silky looking scarves streaming across the face of the card seemed symbolically perfect to me in terms of the relationship that was causing me pain. It was delicate, fragile ... not strong enough to develop into something more stable. The globe on the card SCREAMED to me about the significance of the physical world in this situation and the fact that this was a long-distance relationship. That distance was crucial to why it broke down and it made me feel a little better. I had been blaming myself for the failure of the relationship, putting all the onus of it on me, my failings, my mistakes. The distance was one of the key reasons it failed, not just me (or him). This card comforted me a little and made me realize there were many more factors at play than just me. The rectangular pictures of snow falling at the top and flowers blooming at the bottom made me think of the saying "for everything there is a season." Things are always changing ... I will not always feel this way. The pain will run its course, life will move on, and change will occur. 

The World also signifies the end of a cycle. Nothing could sum it up better than that.The relationship that caused me so much pain ran its course. It ended. Now it's time to focus on new things. It served its purpose and negative as much of the experience was, I learned a great deal about myself and other people. They were very valuable lessons. 

The brief description from the little white book said this (for the reversed meaning):

Desire for positive change, though uncertainty on how to make it happen. Fear of expansion. 

I can't disagree with that. This has been something I've struggled with all my life ... wanting things to change but uncertain of how to make it happen and also being afraid of it. We're all afraid of the unknown and when things have felt bad for a long time even something positive can feel scary when bad is all we're used to. We become comfortable with feeling crappy even though we hate it. I'm sure you've all heard the phrase "misery loves company." Your own unhappiness can feel like that toxic friend who loves to share old hurts with you and ruminate about how awful the world is. 

It all comes down to making that choice. Do you want to move on and manifest new things or do you want to stay stuck in comfortable unhappiness? The choice is always ours. 


Thursday, 7 August 2014

I'm Back!

Hello everyone,

So sorry I've been absent for so long ... but I am glad to say that I am back and will be making regular posts on this blog.

Although my blog has been silent for awhile, my Youtube channel has been fairly busy. I was asked by a Facebook friend to do a weekly tarot draw for her group so I've been doing a feature called "Tarot Tuesdays". I hope you will join me for those weekly draws. In the meantime, I've linked my latest Tarot Tuesday for you below. You can find all the previous Tarot Tuesdays as well as all my other tarot videos on my channel. Please subscribe so that you don't miss any of them! :)

Once again, apologies for my protracted absence but I am glad to be back and I hope to make this blog better than ever.
