In our Work, we got the Ace of Rods (or Wands). Aces signify new opportunities or beginnings. If employed you could get a promotion or start a new project that really excites you. If unemployed you could get a job offer or a great idea related to work. Since Rods relate to creativity and inspiration if you are an artist you could get a great idea this week that really gets your creative juices flowing. Go with it. Follow that creative path.
In Love/Relationships, we got the Page of Cups. This could represent you or someone in your life with Page of Cups qualities which are dreamy, loving, open, optimistic, perhaps a bit naive. Pages are said to represent children or people with childlike qualities. If the card relates to you, enjoy this energy. If you are single you could be feeling very romantic and dreamy. There could be someone you want to reveal your affections to but you may be feeling a bit shy. That's okay. Take your time and do so when (and if) you feel comfortable. If you are in a relationship, you could feel a resurgence of romance or be seriously considering your options regarding the relationship. (I'm thinking of that reversed Nine of Rods we got last week.)
In Health, we got the Ace of Cups in reverse. Again, this refers to a beginning but it has been turned upside down. Perhaps something that started out well has suddenly hit a roadblock. Don't beat yourself up about this. If you find yourself "falling off the wagon" reflect about why it happened and get right back on. Alcohol could be an issue. If you are concerned about your own drinking habits or the drinking habits of someone close to you now is the time to address it.
In summary this looks like a pretty smooth, enjoyable week except for possible challenges in the Health area. Never underestimate the power of the mind to put things back into balance. Focus is everything.
See you next week!