The King of Swords appears next, either as a mentor or as a nudge to get us to embrace his mindset: logical, objective, even calculated. Sometimes a situation is so painful we need to remove our emotions from it and just look at it objectively. The King of Swords will help you do this, either as someone who appears in your life or as part of yourself that guides you through a difficult situation.
The Wheel of Fortune appears at the new year and this card couldn't be more appropriate. Life is all about that ultimate power of fate. Sometimes we're up, sometimes we're down, and sometimes we're just kind of neutral, coasting along. We are never in the same spot on the wheel for too long. It is constantly turning. As long as you don't expect to be in one spot for too long and realize that life is transitory, you can ride the wheel and even have some fun with it. Enjoy happiness while it lasts, know that you won't always be struggling, and know that bad times eventually come to an end as well. This is the rhythm of life.
Happy New Year, everyone! I wish you all the best for 2015! :)