Friday, 29 May 2015

You Pick the Card! -- Sherlock Holmes Tarot, Goddess Tarot, Medieval Scapini Tarot

Happy Friday, everyone! Welcome to another You Pick the Card draw.

Due to time constraints, I have decided that this is the second-last You Pick the Card reading. I have been swamped with orders lately and just cannot find the extra time to do them anymore. My weekly readings on Monday will continue but next week will be our final You Pick the Card draw. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

How to Read Tarot Cards ... Even If You've Never Read Tarot Cards!

If you're a tarot beginner or someone who has "learn to read tarot cards" etched on your bucket list, welcome to my first tarot tutorial.

In this video I show you an intimidation-free way to dip your toe into the tarot pool and start reading the cards FROM SCRATCH with no "book knowledge" whatsoever.

As you develop as a tarot reader, you will want to incorporate book knowledge into your craft and start studying the meanings and symbology within the cards. But for now, here is a stress-free and fun way to start reading tarot NOW.

Hope you enjoy the tutorial and please feedback below if you found this tutorial helpful.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Weekly Reading -- May 25-31, 2015

Welcome to another weekly reading! This week's reading comes to us from the Morgan Greer Tarot.

It's all about encouragement and visualization this week. We got two Major Arcana cards signifying major themes taking place and one Cups card: the "nostalgia" card, the Six of Cups.

If we look at this reading as a story, I see The Fool as the main character. He is looking toward The Magician who is very powerful and dynamic. It's almost as if The Fool is studying him and comitting his actions to memory in order to imitate him later. In the background we have the Six of Cups which could represent unhealthy ties to the past that are holding us back and preventing us from realizing our potential. We cannot create something new if we remain stuck in the past.

Confidence is key and The Magician can teach us about that. If you're not feeling confident enough to be in the place you want to be, think of the phrase "fake it till you make it." Everything that now exists in form or being was once a thought. Everything arises from thought. Picture it, imagine yourself there, and act AS IF. Be your own Magician this week.

Enjoy the reading and see you on Friday for You Pick the Card!

Friday, 22 May 2015

You Pick the Card! -- Rumi Tarot, Llewellyn Classic Tarot, Voyager Tarot

Happy Friday, everyone! Three more beautiful decks are awaiting your selection so they can deliver their message to you.

Enjoy and see you on Monday!

Monday, 18 May 2015

Monday, 11 May 2015

Weekly Reading -- May 10-16, 2015 -- Anna K. Tarot

Total peace and contentment are possible this week if we don't allow delays or frustration to throw us off. Life rarely happens on our timetable and when things don't go our way or happen when we want them to, self doubt and all kinds of negative thoughts can creep in and threaten that sense of contentment with life. We need to learn how to manage those negative thoughts. The way we manage them is through gentle acceptance, symbolized by the Strength card.

Keep the image on the Strength card in your mind this week if you encounter delays or frustration. If you can make your way through the negativity, you'll be able to bask happily in the sunshine.

See you on Friday for You Pick the Card! Have a great week.

Friday, 8 May 2015

You Pick the Card! -- Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards

Happy Friday, everyone!

This week's decks are all Doreen Virtue oracle cards. Choose from the Angel Therapy oracle, the Goddess Guidance oracle, or the Messages from Your Angels oracle deck.

Enjoy your reading and have a great weekend! See you on Monday for our weekly draw.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Weekly Reading -- May 3-9, 2015 -- New Mythic Tarot

Welcome to the first week of May! :)

This week's reading has a heavy emotional component to it which seems to be triggered by our first card, the Four of Pentacles. Four is the number of foundation and this card is positive in the sense that it's telling us our financial needs are being met. However we could be worrying and stressing about money too much. Maybe we feel like we are not making enough money ... that we need to "keep up with the Joneses" and it's affecting how we feel about ourselves.

The Three and Page of Cups in reverse is telling us that we are not having fun and not feeling very good about ourselves. We could be letting what we perceive other people think about us and what we do affect our sense of self.

Remember that money is secondary to happiness. Money is necessary to fulfill basic financial needs but it cannot buy happiness. Happiness comes from within. Spend some time focusing on the good things in your life and the people you love. Spend time with them, have fun. Stop putting so much importance on projecting an image of success. True success is feeling the freedom to be who you are and feel good about it.

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, 1 May 2015

You Pick the Card! -- New Mythic Tarot, Vanessa Tarot, Cosmic Tarot

Happy Friday!

Get yourself into a peaceful space, ponder the decks before you, and choose your card. The message you receive will usher you into the weekend.

See you on Monday for our weekly draw. Have a great one!