Sunday, 29 November 2015

Weekly Reading -- November 29-December 5, 2015 -- Morgan Greer Tarot

An interesting week is in store with an intriguing lady possibly playing a prominent role in our Love/Relationship area. Another interesting factor this week is that all our cards are reversed, indicating blockages or possible stress. Remember that stress is transitory and to ride the wave. These cards are all Minor Arcana and it shouldn't be too difficult.

In Work, our card is the Three of Pentacles, reversed. Upright this card symbolizes apprenticeship, teamwork, starting to work in an organization and contribute to a common goal. Reversed this card indicates some difficulty in those areas. You could find yourself feeling like you are doing more than your share of work, having to carry the load for others, and not being appreciated for your efforts. Do your best not to fly off the handle if any frustrations boil over and see what you can do to solve them. If you are looking for work, you could feel like your efforts are just not paying off at all. Remember to persevere. Sometimes we have to strike at the iron more than a few times before the sparks start to fly.

In Love/Relationship, we got the Queen of Pentacles, reversed. Upright this Queen is the most stable and secure of all the queens, in my opinion. She is completely comfortable with her environment, her financial situation, and her relationships. She wants for nothing. However in the reverse she can be the opposite: insecure, unstable in her relationships, stressed about money and security. This could be you feeling some strain in your relationship and you will know intuitively whether this is a strain that is minor and will pass or whether it is a sign of some major concerns. This card could also represent another person -- another woman, specifically -- who is causing some strain in your relationship. It could be an overbearing woman, someone who is simply annoying and intrusive, or an actual "other woman" who is competing with you in your relationship. Don't get paranoid and accuse your partner of cheating if you have no evidence but if your suspicion is aroused, this could be a heads up.

In Health, we got the Seven of Swords, reversed. This is a card that can represent deception, dishonesty, not being told all the facts. It can also be about tact -- about knowing when it is wiser to stay silent rather than to speak your mind. As this card was reversed it says to me you may be feeling like you don't have all the facts about your health or that a health care provider is not competent or out-and-out scamming you. It could also indicate that you are not being honest with yourself about a health concern. You will know intuitively as you read this if that is the case. Watch out for snake oil salesmen -- people who claim to have "miracle cures" or "miracle programs".

An interesting week indeed and I hope all of you have a wonderful one.

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Sunday, 22 November 2015

Weekly Reading -- November 22-28, 2015 -- Rider Waite Tarot

Two Major Arcana cards appeared in our reading this week which means there is some major energy taking place. Issues are coming to the surface and we are becoming aware of patterns that need to change.

In Work, we got the King of Swords, reversed. Upright the King of Swords is a very intelligent, rational, fair, just person. He is fact-based. Sentimentality is not his strong suit but logic and judgement are his forte. Reversed, this powerful, authoritative person can be arrogant, cruel, insensitive and rude. As he is a King, this is a person with some stature. This could be your boss or someone "above" you in the hierarchy at work. If this is an abusive situation, seek a remedy for it. Go to HIS boss and report his behaviour and see what you can do about it. You can choose to tolerate it but tolerance gets really old after awhile. This card could also represent an aspect of yourself this week. Watch what you say and how you communicate to people. Bad behaviour could come back to haunt you.

In Love/Relationship, we got The Hermit. The Hermit is all about retreat and self exploration. As he came up in our Love/Relationship area, this suggests you need to reflect on your relationships. If you are in a relationship, are you happy in that relationship? Are there issues that need to be addressed? Be honest with yourself. Something that may have been nagging at you is calling for your serious attention. If you are single, reflect on what it is you want in a relationship. What kind of a person are you looking for and who would you be most compatible with? What have you learned from previous relationships that you can now apply to future relationships? The Hermit is all about introspection. This card could also represent a very wise teacher who will guide you and advise this week. Listen to what this person has to say. They know whereof they speak.

In Health, we got The Devil. The Devil can often be about addiction. It's about feeling like you do not have control over your actions and your decisions. As this card appeared in our Health area, I sense it is referring to addiction or some bad habits that are interfering with your physical, mental, or emotional well being. These need to be addressed. They can be overcome but only with serious commitment. Very often we enjoy wallowing in our addictions. You need to be honest and reflect on whether or not you are ready to let go of an addiction. The addiction is serving a purpose and you need to know what that purpose is so you can find a healthy alternative for it.

An interesting week. The Hermit is shining his light right in the center and can illuminate many things for us if we choose to see. See you next week!

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Weekly Reading -- November 15-21, 2015 -- Anna K Tarot

Welcome to another weekly reading and thank you for joining me!

This week we have a very powerful "anchor" card in the form of The Empress who turned up in our Love/Relationship sector. The Empress is an amazing card and her energy can vastly improve not only our love life but every aspect of our life.

In Work, we got the Nine of Rods. The Rods are a suit about energy, inspiration, and action. When we reach the Nine, we are pretty much exhausted. We have put a lot of effort into what we are doing and may feel like we are overburdened or like we just have too much to handle. If you are feeling swamped, see what you can do to improve the situation. Negotiate and try to delegate some responsibilites to other people who have a lot more free time than you do. If that doesn't work or is not an option, make sure you take the time to rest and recharge whenever you can. If you need to, take a sick day (but think of it as a wellness day). You're entitled.

In Love/Relationships, we got The Empress. The Empress is just about the most fortuitious card you can see in this position. She is all about abundance, sensuality, sexuality, nature, fertility, growth, and acceptance. She can also represent pregnancy so if you don't want a child make sure you take measures to prevent any unexpected surprises. I think The Empress has turned up to tell us we need to sit back and let love come to us .... and give it freely to others. What we give out tends to come back to us. So if you want love and pleasure ... give it.

In Health, we got the Eight of Swords. I love this depiction of the Eight of Swords as a woman looking at her reflection in the mirror and seeing herself bound and helpless when in reality she is anything but. This is the message for you this week. Are you feeling sorry for yourself, feeling helpless, like your hands are tied? This is a quagmire of your own making and as long as you keep thinking this way the binds will get tighter. Choose to take action and improve your situation rather than thinking there is nothing you can do. Free yourself!

Have a wonderful week and see you next Sunday!

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Weekly Reading -- November 8-14, 2015 -- Connolly Tarot

Our reading this week is sunny and bright -- just like the deck I used, the Connolly Tarot.

Our Work card is the Five of Pentacles, reversed. The Five of Pentacles is often referred to as the "poverty card". It's about financial hardship but it can also be about emotional hardship. Sometimes we can feel outcast, like we don't belong ... or we can deliberately adopt that mindset out of a belief that the world is a terrible place, no one is trustworthy, and we need to handle things on our own. As the card was reversed, I believe a lightening of this feeling is in the works this week. We may have felt under a lot of financial or emotional pressure and that pressure is lessening. We are beginning to see relief.

Our Love/Relationship card is The Chariot. This is a wonderful card as it indicates powerful forward movement, confidence in yourself and your abilities. If you're single and have your eye on someone, you could be ready to move forward and approach them ... or you could simply be ready to get out in the dating arena again. If you are attached, this card could mean moving to the next phase of your relationship: an engagement, the purchase of a home for the two of you, or the decision to start a family. The Chariot is also about balancing our dark and light sides and making them work together harmoniously. This is extremely important if any relationship is going to flourish.

Our Health card is The Empress. This is an amazing card to show up in this area as The Empress is all about abundance, nature, fertility, and love. She is the Divine Mother. Abundance flows to her because she IS abundance. She gives freely and receives freely. I think that expressing love to others is going to be key this week and in turn this will benefit you so much emotionally and physically. Be kind, open, and giving this week. Receive kindness and love from others. Forgive petty differences because resentment breeds negativity. The Empress is also very much about pleasure. Get out in the outdoors and enjoy the sensuality and beauty of your surroundings. Give yourself to whatever you're doing emotionally and physically this week.

Enjoy this beautiful energy!

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Weekly Reading -- November 1-7, 2015 -- Tarot of the Witches

I thought I would celebrate Halloween and Samhain by using the Tarot of the Witches this week. Wishing a very blessed Samhain to my Wiccan and pagan readers/viewers.

Our reading this week is geared towards thought and decisions but those two cards are dwarfed by the presence of the mighty Emperor in our Love/Relationship area.

For Work, we got the Two of Swords. The Two of Swords can be about making a decision and being conflicted about that decision. You're not sure which way to go or what to do. Whenever you are faced with a difficult decision it's important to do two things: 1. Take your time. 2. Go with your gut. Your intuition will always steer you in the right direction.

For Love/Relationship, we got The Emperor. This is a very powerful, capable, successful male. He is very comfortable ruling his kingdom and the people in it. He runs a tight ship and can be domineering at times but in a good way. His intentions are good. This is someone who is moral, well meaning and wants his kingdom to thrive. You could already know this person or this commanding figure could appear in your life this week. Listen to what he has to say. This card could also have appeared to let you know that you need to channel his energy this week. Rule your own life. Don't let anyone dominate you or make your decisions for you. Take charge in love and relationships this week (but not in a vicious way ... in a benevolent way).

For Health, we got the Nine of Swords. The Nine of Swords is about an accumulation of worry and stress. You have all these thoughts in your mind or worries and concerns. They could be keeping you up at night and robbing you of sleep. You need to relax and take time for you. This state of mind can have a negative impact on your health so it is important to make sure to decompress and be good to yourself. Laughter is a great way to destress. Meditation is also fantastic for alleviating stress and getting your mind into a calm, centred place.

Have a wonderful week, everyone!