In Work, our card is the Three of Pentacles, reversed. Upright this card symbolizes apprenticeship, teamwork, starting to work in an organization and contribute to a common goal. Reversed this card indicates some difficulty in those areas. You could find yourself feeling like you are doing more than your share of work, having to carry the load for others, and not being appreciated for your efforts. Do your best not to fly off the handle if any frustrations boil over and see what you can do to solve them. If you are looking for work, you could feel like your efforts are just not paying off at all. Remember to persevere. Sometimes we have to strike at the iron more than a few times before the sparks start to fly.
In Love/Relationship, we got the Queen of Pentacles, reversed. Upright this Queen is the most stable and secure of all the queens, in my opinion. She is completely comfortable with her environment, her financial situation, and her relationships. She wants for nothing. However in the reverse she can be the opposite: insecure, unstable in her relationships, stressed about money and security. This could be you feeling some strain in your relationship and you will know intuitively whether this is a strain that is minor and will pass or whether it is a sign of some major concerns. This card could also represent another person -- another woman, specifically -- who is causing some strain in your relationship. It could be an overbearing woman, someone who is simply annoying and intrusive, or an actual "other woman" who is competing with you in your relationship. Don't get paranoid and accuse your partner of cheating if you have no evidence but if your suspicion is aroused, this could be a heads up.
In Health, we got the Seven of Swords, reversed. This is a card that can represent deception, dishonesty, not being told all the facts. It can also be about tact -- about knowing when it is wiser to stay silent rather than to speak your mind. As this card was reversed it says to me you may be feeling like you don't have all the facts about your health or that a health care provider is not competent or out-and-out scamming you. It could also indicate that you are not being honest with yourself about a health concern. You will know intuitively as you read this if that is the case. Watch out for snake oil salesmen -- people who claim to have "miracle cures" or "miracle programs".
An interesting week indeed and I hope all of you have a wonderful one.
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